Children and teens

Children and teens

At the Annecy mountain guide office, organising activities for children and teenagers is one of our main missions. Whether it's a course, a training session or a day out, our guides devise and create original programmes to develop your children's taste for adventure and mountain sports. From the age of 5, we offer outdoor activities for children up to the age of 16. Our guides and instructors are trained in supervising young people and put all their know-how into ensuring that your child has the best possible experience, while respecting the rules of safety and community life. The sites around Lake Annecy are ideal because of their diversity, their setting and their interest for children and teenagers, who will enjoy an incredible panorama during their activities.

Activities for kids, juniors and teenagers

Activities for kids, juniors and teenagers

Introduce your children and teenagers to the exciting adventure of climbing on our courses departing from Annecy. Our programmes are specially designed for young climbers, who will learn the fundamental skills of climbing with a healthy dose of fun and exploration.

Our experienced instructors ensure that each participant gains a solid foundation in climbing while fostering self-confidence and teamwork. The beautiful surroundings of Annecy provide the perfect setting for unforgettable outdoor adventures. Our courses are suitable for all levels, from enthusiastic beginners to more experienced climbers.

Beyond the educational aspect, our programmes offer an immersive experience in nature, enabling young people to develop a lifelong love of outdoor activities. See our page dedicated to climbing courses for children and teenagers in Annecy for more information on timetables, prices and enrolments.
Give your children the opportunity to push their limits, create unforgettable memories and develop a passion for climbing and verticality with us.


Activities guides Children and teens

Marco Guyot
Rock climbing
Children and teens
Marco Guyot

Moniteur d'escalade et de canyoning

Jérémy Janody
Rock climbing
Ski Touring
Via Ferrata
Ice Climbing
Team Bulding
Security training
Ski Freeride
Children and teens
Jérémy Janody

Mountain Guide

Elsa Ponzo
Rock climbing
Children and teens
Elsa Ponzo

Rock climbing guide

See all guides